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The head of the negotiating team
제목 The head of the negotiating team
작성자 head (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-24 08:43:16
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
told reporters in November 2018 that the murder

Saudi Arabia's 이태원부동산
deputy public prosecutor Shalaan Shalaan was ordered by the head of a "negotiations team" sent to Istanbul by the Saudi deputy intelligence chief to bring Khashoggi back to the kingdom "by means of persuasion" or, if that failed, "by force". Investigators concluded that Khashoggi was forcibly restrained after a struggle and injected with a large amount of a drug, resulting in an overdose that led to his death, Mr Shalaan said. His body was then dismembered and handed over to a local "collaborator" outside the consulate, he added. The remains were not found. At a news conference in Riyadh on Monday, Mr Shaalan said 남자레플리카추천=남자레플리카추천
the public prosecution's investigations had shown that "there was no premeditation to kill at the beginning of the mission". "The investigation showed that the killing was not premeditated... The killing was in the spur of the moment, when the head of the negotiating team inspected the premises of the consulate and realised that it was impossible to move the victim to a safe place to resume negotiations. "The head of the negotiating team and the perpetrators 코치=코치여성의류
then discussed and agreed to kill the victim inside the consulate," he added. Ms Callamard dismissed as "utterly ridiculous" the assertion that the 남자레플리카사이트=남자레플리카사이트
killing was not premeditated, noting that in one of the purported audio recordings from the consulate two Saudi officials were heard discussing how to cut up and transport Khashoggi's body just minutes before he entered the consulate.
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